Monday 7 March 2022

It's Time to Come Clean — Brandon Sanderson

More Brandon. Go Faster. Write! Write! Write!

Putting this here as a thank you to Brandon Sanderson, who I don't know, and who I've only ever read one story of. He doesn't write in my wheelhouse (rockets, robots, and ray-guns), but this promo is just so much fun to watch.

Not only that, but has helped me focus on my current work in progress on Two Moons.


  1. It was a little odd to hear "it added to my family time" while watching the family/fun slice drop from 32 to 28.

    But the pitch is interesting.

  2. The expanded answer as to why, it's probably down to Simpson's paradox, which illustrates Bayes Theorem.

    So the answer is that the smaller number can deliver more time, because the calculation that results in a percentage.

    Here's a link to a simple explanation:

  3. Yeah, "fun" is masking the change in "family," and so the oddity proceeds to "why didn't he chart them separately?" Which has any number of causes.

    1. I'm not a statistician, but my day job did at one time require me to explain the results of research and make an analysis of the outcomes.

      So, I'm a little more familiar with the difference between statistical significance versus actual effectiveness.

      People assume that a percentage increase or decrease is indicative of effectiveness. Its not.

    2. On many occasions I have wished I'd studied statistics back in college.



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