Tuesday, 8 January 2019

New Year, New Goals

Wow, what a year. My life has been a bit rough, what with one thing and another. It has been one of those years that when you look back you can see loads of good intentions that were not met. I've been keeping up with archery as it's an enjoyable way to exercise, but as I said when reflecting on my writing, I haven't been writing enough.

So I made a decision.

Since it has been six months since I lost my writing mojo, I've decide to set an easily reached goal and I plan to write 200 hundred words per day. This is to set myself up for success with baby steps, but I will review my goal again in three months to check whether I've set the bar too low.

I hope that by doing so I can finish writing The Bureau, my Cthulhu mythos story, and make inroads on my next SF novel, Two Moons. And if luck should favour me, and I find I get my writing streak back, then another couple of episodes in The World of Drei series too.


  1. Very reasonable decision, no stress please. I'd love indeed to see your Cthulhu-related novel finished

    1. My Alpha reader does too. She says what she's read so far makes her want to see more.

  2. Sounds like a good plan. Hope that 2019 flows a bit better for you.

    1. I hope so too. I've also added I don't do anything else until I reach my 200 hundred words; distractions like Twitter and Facebook.



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