Tuesday, 18 February 2025

I'm Back

Been going through a bit of a life roll after coming down with shingles, which meant I ran out of 'spoons' to do anything other than the bare essentials to make it through each day. It is what it is.

So, the pic above is my new computer, an earlyish birthday present from my beloved.

My old MacMini is still going strong, but oh so slow, but it's good enough to become my writing computer. Susan is going to set it up for me so I can run it on here monitor at her desk. This is all part of a plan to separate my work from the general demand of being connected in today's modern world.

Obviously, I'm behind on everything. Posting the summary of what I read last year. Talking about my progress with the next story (progress has been made), which makes me happy.

Catch you all later.

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