Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Spammers Gonna Spam

It seems my blog has become a popular site to spam. God only knows why, I'm hardly a high profile site. Of course I've always had some spam, along with spam of course, but in recent weeks there has been more than usual.

Must be spammer time on the internet. Cue for a ditty...

Spam time for Hackers everywhere
Spamming links makes them happy and gay
They're spamming to a faster pace
Look out, here come the spammer race

Or it's just spammer time! Do the dance.

Anyway, the point of this post is to report that I not only found the spammers that got through, who I then reported to Google for spamming –because service brings citizenship – but I also found a whole lot of posts marked as spam in a spam folder that I didn't know I had.

I should add, Google changes things around, and I knew I could no longer see a tag for spam and wondered where it had gone, but I couldn't be arsed to search for it. 

What can I say? 

Life's too short to be chasing irritating as fuck nonsense when I can be doing other stuff. Also, I've allowed all the non spam through, just because. Be rude not to..

To add some value to this infodump.

I've started a new draft of Two Moons (the next Gate Walker story). That's it. Catch you on the bounce.

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