Tuesday 13 December 2022

It's Christmas Time

The weather outside is frightful...

Been hunkered down, keeping warm, and doing hobby stuff. No point in going out in the cold. It has been a while since the last post, and this year not a lot of post on this blog. So the thought of shuttering the blog had passed my mind.

Probably won't because I do seem driven to write. Even if what I'm driven to write about is trivial stuff like my hobbies and the weather.

It is what it is. I'm of an age where I look back over my life knowing that the time ahead of me is less than the time behind me.

Science suggests that the past is not really gone, just inaccessible after the collapse of the wave function. The future predictable but unknowable, or should I say unpredictable because we can't calculate what will happen faster than the progress of time in the universe.

One would have to be outside of our space-time continuum to be able to calculate the outcomes of all the particles in our universe.

In a non-Euclidian space-time. Though arguably space-time may be mostly an illusion we construct to explain reality.

That's all for now. Next time, what I've been reading and watching over this year.

So, those are my thoughts for what they are.


  1. I'm back to blogging after two years of having written nothing. I focused on Twitter but with the recent turmoil there, I got finally fed up of its poisonous atmosphere. Keep your posts coming, Ashley

    1. Humanity didn't evolve to cope with technology that allows for near instantaneous confrontations.

      Twitter's income comes from clicks, and the largest number of clicks come from outrageous posts.

      However well intentioned it tries to be, Twitter ends up being a hive of scum and villainy from the way it makes money.

  2. I don't mind the cold so much if we have snow, I'm still like a five year old, when it comes to snow. In any event, I hope you keep posting; I enjoy your posts, whether about gaming, the weather, or whatever.

    1. Thank you that means a lot to me. It is a truth universally acknowledge that an author wants people to read what they write.

  3. I too enjoy your posts. I always think winter is often a time for introspection, just becareful it doesn't turn melancholic.



    1. Realized I needed to go back to taking an anti-depressant to counter the effects of my rheumatoid medication. It is what it is.



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