Thursday 28 November 2019

The Divisiveness Around Transgendered People


This is a long response, to a furore on another blog. A fellow writer, who is a good man with a lovely wife. I posted a version of this on his blog, but I have no wish to troll him with continued comments there.

Hence this post where people can kick the ball in my playpen.

For my British readers, I'm being aware of different sensibilities between myself and Americans.

Conditional Assumptions

I look up to the American Constitution in amazement.

I wish I were an American, but life events have left me unable to realize my dream of being a citizen of the greatest force for good in the world. Without you guys we'd all be speaking German or Russian, and with all due to respect any German or Russian readers, no thank you.

The preamble to the Constitution begins:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
These assumptions get us/me to...

The affirmation that the government of the United States exists to serve its citizens, and safeguard the interests of majority rule and minority rights of liberty and equality, and of the federal and state governments.

I disavow communism, because it's a utopian ideology. Homo sapiens didn't evolve to live in utopias. For communism to work, humanity would have to stop being human beings.

For the record, I regard myself as a pragmatic humanist. A flawed human being like everyone else.

Issues Arising

There are a number of issues, but this should not be thought of as a complete list of all the issues.

1. The refusal to use he for she and vice versa, because it's a lie, and therefore an ethical problem.

People who believe this must be an absolute blast to live with. Imagine when their wife/girlfriend asks, "Does my bum look big in this dress?"

Parties must be a total hoot too, when you truthfully tell friends and family what you really think.

2. The refusal to be forced to use a gender pronoun, restricts the freedom of speech.

I agree with the right for people to have of freedom of speech. But right to say what you want comes with the responsibility for any offense you cause. In my experience, a lack of politeness often leads to a smack in the mouth.

Even Jordan Peterson calls transgendered women she. I've seen him do it.

3. Tired of facts being twisted for political correctness. There are two genders, not 54. Your sex comes from the chromosomes that cannot be changed. Getting a boob job and a choppadickoffame surgery is simply cosmetic surgery.

I agree that gender reassignment surgery doesn't change a persons sex.

I agree that gender reassignment surgery is cosmetic.

If by genders you mean what is observable, measurable, and can be replicated, then the science establishes that sex isn’t so much binary, but a bimodal distribution that appears to be binary at coarse scales.

Therefore science or facts are irrelevant when you say you are presenting yourself as a member of the opposite sex.

So, I support trans rights, but it’s fundamentally not a fact based scientific issue.

4. Wanting to change your gender is a mental illness

Vague, unscientific, wishy-washy and meaningless dog whistling.

5. You can call yourself (insert choice of: gorilla, attack helicopter, etc.)

Gorillas in the room often go unseen. But the argument is fallacious, because they're aimed at straw gorillas that don't exist.

6. They're Trannies.

This is a slur against cross-dressers. Feel free to use slurs, but again you must take responsibility for what you said, and not be surprised when someone smacks you in the mouth.

7. It's insanity, this means War!

Over the top hyperbole, because it isn't a war, yet. And let's hope the current madness in American politics doesn't degenerate into war. The last time you guys had at it, more American died than had been killed in all the wars up until the recent one in Afghanistan.

8. It's a perversion that can't be excused.

The agenda that drives this argument goes against everything that makes America and Americans great.

9. Luring men into sex with men who look like women or vice versa.

Here's a link to an openly transgendered woman

So I can see that being tricked might make you feel ashamed, or disgusted. These are powerful emotions. But feelings are not facts, as I've discussed above, so just mind your own business.

Besides, I seriously doubt that the first thing on any man's mind when he looks at her is whether she has XX chromosomes.

I think she looks like a woman. Pretty too. I wouldn't kick her out of bed. I'm a lesbian, go figure.


If you've got this far, and you agree with me, excellent. If I've triggered an emotional response sorry, but it's not my problem. If you use any of the arguments above to justify your opinions about transgender issues, I'm afraid to tell you this, but you are ill informed.

However, all is not lost, if you go away and challenge your beliefs

Start with this question: How do you know?


  1. Regarding your point 9, I think this is tied to the general panic over homosexuality that also hates drag artists: if a man finds someone attractive, and the someone turns out to be male, the man might have caught Teh Gay. (After all, the people who believe this also claim to believe that homosexual sex is much more pleasurable than hetero, and that's why gay people insist on doing it.)

    Regarding point 4, there certainly are body dysmorphias ("this is not my hand" etc.) – you've probably learned more about them than I have as a layman. But that doesn't mean that every transgendered person is suffering from one.

    Personally I think we should work hard to break up socialised sex roles, to remove one sort of pointless pressure on people.

    To go along with "how do you know" – "why do you care"? If I'm going to treat you differently based on whether I think you're male or female, that's a failing in me. (Unless I plan to sleep with you and have a preferred sort of wibbly bits to engage with, in which case it surely does no harm to ask politely?)

    1. Good points.

      But, I think the task of breaking up socialized sex/gender roles is one that is beyond complicated and better dealt with encouraging people to remember MYOB: Mind Your Own Business.

  2. How much time have you spent in America? The reality of the place is quite different than its abstractions. "Greatest force for good in the world" is one way of looking at it; another is "greatest force for obesity, garbage, trash culture, drug addiction, depression, mass shootings, wealth inequality, military spending, debt, war, etc." Maybe check out for the other side of the story.

    1. A bit, not as much as I would like; weeks rather than years.

      I think we are fundamentally at odds here. I'm interested in military history, conquest and invasions, and come from that perspective.

      You do realize that I'm a retired mental professional, and that directing me to a blog with what appears to be"just so" narratives that don't prove anything; as in what's the null hypothesis (clue there wasn't one) hardly bolsters your case.

      Of course you're right to say America is imperfect. Human beings are imperfect, therefore what else would you expect.

      If I were you, I would have tried a different approach. Attack my optimism over your pessimism. But if you had I would've pointed you to an excellent YouTube, three links:

      The World Is Better Now Than Ever Before

      Is the world getting better or worse? A look at the numbers

      And Hans Rosling's The best stats you've ever seen

    2. Try living there for an extended period and see if your opinion changes. I'm not sure what you mean about your perspective; do you admire America for its conquests and invasions? The Morris Berman blog talks about people's experiences with downside of America life, empire, culture, etc., but it sounds like you are more interested in video games, comic book movies and sexual identity. You would probably fit right in in America; you should seriously consider emigrating.

    3. If you wish to engage is a discussion it would probably help you case by not starting with labeling me.

      My stance is more complicated than setting me as being on one side of a psycho-social cultural debate without an understanding of the context that frames my position.

      Of course, if you're driven by an ideological perspective, then judging by your comments so far, you will find me problematical.

      I would try and reassure you that this is not the case, but the research shows that reassurance doesn't work.

      I will end with the comment that my American acquaintances think I'm a bit of a lefty for being British and a lesbian. Go figure, huh!?

  3. Typo: Mental professional should read mental health professional

    My excuse; I became over excited.

  4. Darn, late to the party on this one. Thanks for sharing your thoughts; this is a really good post.

    1. Thank you. I tried hard to be reasonable, as in reasoning through the arguments, because I think that the current political correctness debates have gone from mildly amusing eccentricities to full out WTFery.

      The professional side of me understands that this is par for the human condition, as Heinlein said, "Man is not a rational animal; he is a rationalizing animal."

      That's going to trigger a few of my left leaning friends. Sucks to be them I guess.

    2. Over-simplifying, and maybe naive, but my thinking is that this is just a side effect of coming to accept who people are on a greater social scale. A period of pronouncement of social change, until such a time as the social change is simply social standard.

    3. A good point. It's just the transition period that sucks.



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