Thursday, 18 October 2018


All Terrain Surveillance Robot - Guardbot. This version is a little bit, a lot, larger than the RollaBot I describe in my novels, but it gives one the general concept. Though if you go to their site they say it will come in a range of sizes, so that's good.

The problem is that when I started writing my trilogy back in 2012 the descriptions of the androids, RollaBots, and SnakeBots looked science fictional. Now it seems that will be sold on Amazon in the next few years.


  1. A little pricey for getting alligators off a golf course, but the big ones are just right for chasing Patrick McGoohan down a beach.

  2. Don't you hate it when reality goes bounding ahead of your imagination like that? I don't even want to think about what I considered futuristic back in the '90's!

    1. In this case, I feel smug knowing that those that criticized my technology assumptions have been shown to be shortsighted. ;-)



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