Friday 3 February 2017


An elegant wargamer from a more civilized age.  Oh and I just found this too.

Says it all, though and now you know why I can't find the time to play as many games as I would like; that's a joke by the way, just in case you want to say that games don't take nine hours to play.


  1. #notallwargames (take nine hours)

    But good ones do!!! :)

    1. Ah, this reminds me of the good old days, when I was young and full of energy.

  2. Enough time for a few smokes, a change of cravat and painting a few reinforcements, if the video clip is a true record of history :-)

    Regards, Chris.

  3. Just for the sake of appearances, wouldn't it be glorious to arrange a gaming session that did this.

    But, of course, who has time?

    However, if we never "take" the time, how can we have the time?



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